As we all know, the fine art of social media plays a vital role in today’s real estate business. Today houses are mark…
Let It Snow (Well, If It Must): How to Plan a Cold Weather Open House
04.07.15 by Don Instone
As the nation continues to freeze beneath the effects of a nationwide cold spel…
Packing And Home Moving Tips
03.19.12 by realty candy
Do you think moving is a fun? When moving from one home to other it is important to pack all your important things such as home luggage. It will be better to pack these things before to move. There are many problems that are associated with the home moving. Packing the home luggage is one of the most important and tedious issues. How to pack the home luggage carefully? Are there some helping tips?
The tips that allow the people to pack the things are available but you have to choose the tips that are best for you. Moving from one home to other, city to city and state to state is really a headache because lots of operations are carried out when shifting luggage from one point to other. However, by using the tips that are given below you can easily move from one state to others.
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Tips For Purchasing A Real Estate Property
03.17.12 by realty candy
Buy the home you really want. Investors are divided on whether or not now is a good time to sell your house and upgrade to a larger one, although some do favor the idea. However, since the housing market is perpetually rising, you might as well buy the house you’ve always wanted now. If you buy a smaller home instead, the house you really wanted may be too expensive for you by the time you’re ready to move.
Never buy real estate without getting the property inspected first. Otherwise, you could find yourself in a home that needs complete renovation from the ground up when you weren’t expecting it. This can be a serious problem if there are structural issues after you buy the home that you will be responsible for and you may have to leave your home while it is repaired.
Unless you reside in a climate in which it is really needed, do not buy a house with a fireplace other than in the family room. You will find that having more than one fireplace is a hassle, as they have to be cleaned regularly and are rarely used.
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Buying a Home? The Cost Is More Important Than the Price
03.15.12 by realty candy
We have often advised buyers to look at the COST of purchasing a house more than the PRICE of the home.
Obviously, price is part of the cost equation. The other piece, assuming you are not an all cash buyer, is the mortgage rate.
The mortgage rate to finance a purchase can have a dramatic impact on the overall cost. Recently, there are more people talking about the possibility that mortgage rates could begin to increase.
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Six Tips for Preparing Your Home for a Showing
03.07.12 by realty candy
Nulla tincidunt lobortis mauris; sed posuere tellus interdum tempus! Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed fermentum; purus eu fermentum vehicula, purus erat lacinia metus, quis gravida risus lorem et tortor. Cras commodo ullamcorper augue, et lobortis eros euismod condimentum. Quisque imperdiet, velit in ullamcorper auctor, magna arcu elementum dolor, id tempor dui dui ultricies tortor. Donec varius leo ut erat posuere sed viverra enim hendrerit. Nunc urna est, convallis vel interdum a, malesuada a metus.
Suspendisse potenti. Duis faucibus tellus eget velit tempus convallis! Curabitur auctor congue lectus sed vestibulum. Sed non tristique ligula. Integer rhoncus, massa vitae aliquet consectetur, dui elit interdum turpis, aliquam iaculis velit lectus a enim. Quisque id magna ante. Sed placerat sem nec metus pharetra eu porttitor augue blandit. Pellentesque eget sagittis urna. Nam risus lectus, hendrerit ut sodales at, iaculis et risus.
Fifteen Questions to Ask Your Realtor Before Signing a Contract
01.04.12 by realty candy
Nulla tincidunt lobortis mauris; sed posuere tellus interdum tempus! Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed fermentum; purus eu fermentum vehicula, purus erat lacinia metus, quis gravida risus lorem et tortor. Cras commodo ullamcorper augue, et lobortis eros euismod condimentum. Quisque imperdiet, velit in ullamcorper auctor, magna arcu elementum dolor, id tempor dui dui ultricies tortor. Donec varius leo ut erat posuere sed viverra enim hendrerit. Nunc urna est, convallis vel interdum a, malesuada a metus.
Suspendisse potenti. Duis faucibus tellus eget velit tempus convallis! Curabitur auctor congue lectus sed vestibulum. Sed non tristique ligula. Integer rhoncus, massa vitae aliquet consectetur, dui elit interdum turpis, aliquam iaculis velit lectus a enim. Quisque id magna ante. Sed placerat sem nec metus pharetra eu porttitor augue blandit. Pellentesque eget sagittis urna. Nam risus lectus, hendrerit ut sodales at, iaculis et risus.